Films That Inspire Programming Students

Students of computer programming who are looking for motivation should read this article. Even if you are a high school student who enjoys computer science movies and wants to specialize in programming in college or want some ideas to write an excellent scholarship essay for admission to computer programming school, 

you can watch the 10 movies listed below. Programming movies can also help you develop unique ideas for your project/thesis, or assist you in comprehending the lessons that come across as difficult in class. These movies suggestion can seriously guide with Programming assignment help.

Here’s the list of 10 movies:

WarGames (1983)

 WarGames will always be one of the top-rated movies when it comes to hacking. Directed by John Badham, it is so intriguing that then US President Ronald Reagon ended up ordering an investigation to evaluate the possibility of doing the kind of hacking depicted in the film in real life. This movie was a trigger for the development of the Internet and also ended up altering the national security policy of the US.

Hackers (1995)

Made under the direction of Iain Softley, Hackers is a crime film with the plot revolving around a group of teenage hackers who carry out cyberattacks on corporations. These types of cinematic projects can seriously help in homework like getting facts or resources.

This hacking movie is unique not only because of its plot but also because of how credibly it has succeeded in depicting programming. Some of the programming techniques shown in the movie can also be used in real life. It is a must-watch for programming students in order to develop new programming ideas.

The Matrix (1999)

The Matrix is a science fiction action film made under the direction of The Wachowskis Brothers. This movie is credited with bringing hacking and loops into the mainstream. It is the exact depiction of loops that motivated people to learn more about computers. Anybody feeling mentally exhausted and in search of some motivation must absolutely watch this movie.

Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)

This movie is about the two men who are credited for the sweeping changes they ushered into technology. It is a story about the rivalry between two great men – Steve Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates who founded Microsoft. This movie can be viewed in computer classes.

Antitrust (2001)

Under the direction of Howard Franklin, this movie revolves around a plot featuring young programmers. Every student or wannabe programmer must watch this movie because of the insights it offers into the world of programming, the advantages and the associated dangers.

A Beautiful Mind (2001)

Under the direction of Ron Howard, this is a beautifully made film justifying its title. It is based on the life and work of John Forbes Nash Jr, who was a genius mathematician. It won several academy awards and is very thrilling to watch.

The Social Network (2010)

This film is directed by David Fincher and is the story of Mark Zuckerberg and his process of developing Facebook, a social networking site that forever changed the world. This movie is gripping for programming students because it shows the immense potential of a program written after mastering a programming language.

The Fifth Estate (2013)

This movie is a biographical representation of internet activists who use programming to leak data from governments and corporations. Directed by Bill Condon, this movie informs programming students about the ideas that led to the founding of WikiLeaks.

Jobs (2013)

This movie is the story of Steve Jobs, one of the most successful programmers in history, and is a must-watch because it depicts on screen how his relentless striving made Apple such a successful business. Made under the direction of Joshua Michael Stern, this movie has lessons for life and is laced with some very good tips for programming.    

The Imitation Game (2014)

Under the able direction of Morten Tyldum, this movie is about the making of the world’s first computer. It is important to watch this movie because the plot depicts the successful cracking of the German Enigma Code. It is one of the best movies made on coding with even historians lauding the film for its accuracy.

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