How to make efficient study notes based on your learning

Learning is a cumulative process that involves the acquirement of knowledge be it practical or imaginary through various means including, listening, visual representation, experiences, and discussions.

Every human’s learning capacities vary and majorly are dependent on their concentration power and level of understanding. But, above them, all curiosity plays a vital role. It is something that thrives to find the answers to the questions that arise in your mind.

In the case of students, they spend a major part of their lives learning, through their academics primarily. In the current scenario students depend upon study material available in the market. Such material shall only be used as reference data only.

Self-study is the best study for a reason. It ignites your thought process based on your curiosity and your mind induces some self-learning activities.

This article discusses how can we improvise through our learning process and create essential study material on our own.

From a student’s perspective, it is certain that classroom or practical lectures never fail to be boring unless and until the topic ongoing is their area of interest. However, such a situation affects the learning process.

There is a way out of this boredom and enhance your learning simply. Simply ask questions that bother your mind to the lecturer, providing your questions will generate a discussion among the class and increase involvement towards the topic.

Such, discussion shall make the concepts interesting. If it helps, extend the conversation or discussion with your friends even after the lecture. This will help you to recollect the information received in the lecture. Concentration power can also be increased or improvised, playing certain video games or sports that involve the participation of your thinking abilities.

While learning it is natural for our mind to lose focus and wander with our thoughts. A way out of this is to make yourself realize the same and bring your attention back to class every time.

Once, the learning process is enhanced, understanding the concepts and grasping the information becomes easier. Following are some tips to be followed to make efficient notes based on your learning; -

Know your syllabus

Students have to study a wide range of topics. It is difficult at times to keep track of the contents. Simply jotting down your index in a notebook pertained to that particular subject. This will make you aware of the contents of the syllabus.

Being aware of what you have to study for your exam gets half the job done. It gives you a vague idea of how a particular subject may be managed based on your understanding of the same.

Make separate notebooks for each subject to minimize the confusion and write down the syllabus initially before commencing the studies. Also, try to include concepts and subtopics below the chapter headings as this will also help you rate the level of difficulty in the topics.


During an ongoing lecture or practical, keep a pen/ pencil handy along with a book. Simply put on the date and heading of the topic, which is a general protocol. Now note down the important points being discussed simultaneously.

Make sure you note down the points in a bullet point man. Keep the sentences shorter and use the language easily understandable and simplified. You may also note, specific sentences uttered by the lecturer.

However, do not get too involved in the writing part and lose focus towards the discussion., keep the noting down to a minimum. Draw rough diagrams and utilize the concepts like mind maps which are nothing but simply flow chart diagrams that help to summarize the flow and contents of any topic.

Such a map may also help you to memorize the sequence of particular topics that need to be understood in a series one after the other. For instance, research paper writing involves steps that need to be followed in a particular manner.

Note down the steps involved placing each step heading in any shape you desire drawn around it and subsequently draw arrows joining the distinct headings moving from one step towards another. 

This will help in homework associated not only to research paper writing but, also with any topic that demands such mind maps.

Data organizing

After you have obtained the important points discussed in the lecture or practical, it is now time to organize this data. The notebook where you have noted the index, handwritten by you, use it to jot down these points obtained in the classroom. 

There is no need to learn question and answer or know the same. Simply write the headings, and below the headings include all the important bullet points, diagrams, or solved examples. Remember this is not a test, use your references and make solid structured data.

However, only include the important steps and points and avoid overcrowding. The shorter and simpler you make it, the easier for you to refer, recollect and understand. Also, maintain a systematic layout so that you feel good about your work.

Once all the data is organized and collected keep it separate. Use different books for your practicing. 


After the notes are ready, do not presume you are prepared totally. Initiate a timed practice schedule, layout a plan on the calendar, and prioritize difficult concepts over easier ones.

This will give you a general idea about how much time is to be given to which subject. Constant reading through your notes is not bad, but it is advised to switch between reference materials and your notes from time to time to find out in case if you have missed something.

This will help you to cross-check the data and will help in homework related to your studies.

Now as the examination approaches intensify your reading towards the notes. Self-created notes will make you more confident about the syllabus and your mind will recollect every piece of work you have made.

Simply recurrence of reading the data numerous times will make you aware of almost every aspect involved in the study. There is no need to memorize once the concepts are clear in your head.

This is nothing but an effective self-study approach, that utilizes your own plan, your own ways, and your own ability.

Just read your notes before the test or examination and the results will come out fruitful. Not only they will be fruitful but also, they will make you proud of your honest efforts and improve your interest in academics.

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