How do we encourage our children towards education?

Education forms a very important part of the evolution of a child into a competent adult. We all are aware of the importance, even if you are a student, you know it is a necessary evil.

But, is it really evil? Being a student myself, I understand how hateful we students can be towards education. In this context, we should ask ourselves do we really hate education so much or is it something else that makes us hate it.

Education leads to knowledge and knowledge when associated with our sense of sanity brings us to wisdom. Not only it promotes our development but also makes us learn very important life lessons of integrity, ingenuity, equity, and self reliability.

Without education, a man is just another human, entitled as illiterate, considered lesser beings in the eyes of society. The younger the students are the more bound towards hating education they are.

Students tend to develop resentful thoughts of the same. The reason to do so could vary from student to student yet their common enemy remains the same.

Let us understand, through a student’s perception first, what fueled their hatred. For a younger kid, say early childhood to early teenager, educational activities consume a major part of their day, included by school, tuition, and even self-study.

This is a major obstacle that disrupts their playtime. The more they are averted from playing, the more susceptible they are to hate educational activities. Similar is the case of artistic and sports-oriented students.

Prioritizing education over passion is a tedious task for them. Some students are monitored by very strict professors or mentors, who fail to understand the student's emotions and end up behaving in an unfriendly manner with the child, which is malpractice observed frequently.

Social dogmas like inequality, misguidance, addiction, and mental instability also result in hatred genesis towards education.

Educational systems on the other hand in most countries are also impotent and ineffective. They fail to deliver the quality of education for the students, build up their stress.

The high cost of education may also avert students from education. Religious based educational institutes must be terminated in the first place as they themselves symbolize inequality among the students coming from various strata of the society.

The privatization of the educational industry has further deteriorated the important values associated with education.

In the early eras, the main objective of inculcating knowledge amongst the student was to obtain the best outcome from the students intellectually and aid in the development of their mind’s abilities.

However, after privatization, such objectives were replaced by a mere business or profit-oriented minds. Naturally, the student population suffered ignorance, and as soon as they realize they develop hatred towards education.

After discussing the pessimistic reality of the educational system and the hatred associated with the same among the students it feels difficult to execute improvisation.

However, as Buddha’s wisdom once uttered, It is impossible for someone to change the world but adapting yourself will definitely provide fruitful results. This wisdom is definitely co-related with the current state of education and students.

Following discussed are certain points that shall aid to encourage children towards education.


Children have a vivid range of aspirations, they change over the course of time, or for some students, it never changes. It is important to make them realize how education will help them acquire their aspiration or rather their dream.

One way or other education will definitely help the children develop skills required to excel in their lives. As discussed previously.

For instance, a child if aspires to be a scientist, it is crucial to make him or she realize the very essential skill of becoming so is research paper writing. A major part of scientific attitude comes from the academics and virtue of the studies of interests for the child.

Once the child is made realized the importance of research paper writing which forms an eminent part of education, he or she will refocus towards their goals and be inspired.


An ignorant person is an unwise individual while an aware one is a symbol of sanity, which is a known metaphor opposed by none. Education empowers the human intellect and an empowered intellect cannot be deceived.

Children must be taught knowledge leads to power and power leads to self-confidence, a trait difficult to be defeated. Conversations with children stating the power of knowledge with examples associated with real-life examples shall be enough evidence for their faster thought procession.


Close monitoring plays a very vital role to understand understanding the students towards their academics. If they are ignorant or fail to understand the contents of the syllabus eventually, they shall lose their interest and divert.

Interacting with them about their studies by simply providing help with homework or by discussing the practical applications of their academics will generate their curiosity and make things interesting for them.

Once their curiosity is given a kickstart they will themselves find the answers to their questions and stay inspired towards academics and eventually towards education.

Some common and simple activities like help with homework, conducting a simple experiment, providing children with some amazing facts pertained to their studies shall help to enhance their curiosity. You can also suggest career options favorable to their interests.


A value that is inherited in every child is the love for the motherland. If this spark is flamed carefully it will lead to wonders and bring out the best patriots amongst the individuals.

How a person may serve their motherland definitely brings pride not only to themselves but for the nation as well. Inspire the children towards raising their motherlands name higher in the world.

For instance, encourage them to join the defense services and make them realize the powers of highly ranked officers, once they get the taste of the glory that comes with the uniform, they shall have no effort left behind, as education forms a crucial part of such efforts, their inspiration won't let them fall back from education.

The world has lost its vision towards the importance of providing rightful and effective education. The tyrannies of corrupt mindsets are to blame for such a devastating state of the system, not only educational but overall.

The younger generation is a pure one, keeping them pure and away from the misdeeds and misleads of the society is a tough task But, rightful guidance, followed by rightful education shall lead them to develop a clear vision towards their approach over everything.

A better generation will lead to a better nation and a better nation will lead to a better world. Children must be made realized the correct ideology associated with education in order to encourage them towards education.

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