Etiquettes are important no matter what field you are working in. It is important to work within certain boundaries to develop a healthy relationship with people around you.
Social etiquettes refer exactly to this feature. It is the behaviour you meet out to people around you, in a social environment- the way you interact with your friends, family, coworkers, etc.
With the help of social etiquette, you can also know about other’s perceptions of you and thus it may contribute to the process of relationship building. So let us discuss a few social etiquettes that must be kept in mind while we are interacting with people in society:
Whenever you are around elderly people, sick, women, and the like, and you are seated while there is no space for these people to sit, always offer them your chair. In fact, while you are on lunch with your female friends, you must do the needful there as well.
Remember the names of people. Imagine a case where you are trying to convince a person and you forget the name of the person, this leaves a bad impression of you on the person.
In a public place, when you sneeze or burp, remember saying sorry or excuse me.
Similarly, excuse me should be used when you are trying to clear people out of your way in a crowded area. don’t just bump into the crowd and push people to find your way.
Say thank you in case someone favours you or whenever a situation calls for the same. For example, students must remember thanking teachers at school and people who provide them help in homework or assignment help, back at home.
While several people are in a queue after or before you, you must hold the door for one either in front of you or behind you.
One of the most important social etiquettes is, know the people you are talking to before engaging in a discussion of a particular topic.
While at a dining place, wait for the waiter to come to you. It seems awkward when the waiter is attending to someone else and you call out for him.
Now that we are talking about the waiter, remember to tip him when the service is done. The waiter puts in all his efforts to make the service best for you because he expects a reward in return therefore do not forget to tip him before you leave. The tip expresses your gratitude.
While at somebody’s place or for that matter among your own family as well, use coasters because it does not look good when somebody else cleans up your water rings. Coasters would prevent that from happening.
The request is always a polite way to communicate to people and ask for favours, therefore do not forget to say ‘Please’ in case required.
Do not frown in front of people, keep smiling even if you do not get it back. A smile hints to the other person that you are friendly.
In case you are among a group of people ad all of you are talking, and suddenly you get a phone call, move out of the place to answer it. Do not start talking in front of everyone.
In case you are standing in a line for some service to be done and some person behind you is in hurry because of some emergency, let the person go before you. This will give you the personal satisfaction of helping someone.
While your cough or sneeze and you cannot gather your handkerchief at the right time, then do it in your elbow. Do not spread germs to others as well.
While having meals with your family or friends, keep your smartphones away and concentrate on cherishing the time you spent together.
Most importantly, try to avoid being late anywhere, especially in a professional environment. Nobody likes waiting for someone who is late since nobody has so much time.
In fact, netiquette comes as a part of social etiquette. When you are posting something on social media, confirm the news. No need of spreading fake news. Also when you are posting group pictures together, ask the members whether they wish to post the same picture or not.
While in a work environment, keep your pitch and tone low while talking because others are working too.
Remember to return a book you have borrowed from someone else, in the same manner as you brought it.
While interacting with people, make eye contact with each one of them. Also, when shaking hands, do that firmly.
Dress according to the occasion you are going for, random dresses at any place will not do any good.
While you are shopping, park your shopping cart in the aisle and not n the centre because there are others who are shopping too.
In case you are talking to somebody you are not that close to, take permission for using the first name before using it.
Whether at home, or work, or even at your friend’s place gathered to get help in homework or assignment help, clean up after yourself no matter how close you are to the person.
Another netiquette- in case you get a not-so-good mail or message, wait for a day before replying to that message.
Arrange your chair and table the way they were earlier when you leave the place.
If you are invited to a place, remember to ask the invitee whether you can bring others too before actually reaching there with uninvited people.
While dining together, wait for everyone to be served before eating.
Always knock before you evade the private premises of somebody.
Thus these few social etiquettes should be kept in mind while you are interacting with the social world.