Although reading something only one or two times and remembering it for a lifetime would be the idea, the reality is somewhat different from what we learn goes to our one eye and comes out of others.
Most of the research shows that if nothing is done with the new information that me it is not recalled one for the revision purpose. Then most people will forget what they have learned. After 24 hours, memory will decrease by 70% and after a week almost 90% could be lost.
If you want to retain what you have learned for a long time. Then you need not do just reading through the books or textbooks wholly, you must have to listen to your teachers. As learning will inevitably involve listening as well as reading.
But, with the use of a variety of techniques for collecting the information in our mind. We will more likely retain this information for the long- term. Along with this, there are ten given steps that actually helps you to retain the information for a longer duration and help you in solving your help with homework.
The techniques which are given here are:
Make use of visual aids.
While you are learning. If you will focus more on the learning process. You will easily as well better be able to recall what you have learned. Most of the research shows the fact that visuals, in particular, can help us to retrieve information more easily.
One study shows the fact that who use visual association to remember groups of words had significantly better retention power than those who simply repeated the words over and over. There are some online resources like study help me articles with helping study with essay writing help etc.
Visual feedback has been used to transmit the information faster and improve overall comprehension, so whenever possible and in whatever way try to always use visual learning aids like instructional videos, documentaries, infographics, photos, maps and charts will finally improve your learning retention.
Keep practising
Putting your learning to practice is an important way of retaining it in your mind. Because of continuous practice, new neural pathways are formed in the brain area. Each time if you are going to apply some new piece of information into the pathways. Those pathways strengthen stronger and you will.
For ex- if you are learning any new language, you can start your practice by pointing native speakers to converse with the help of online assignment help sites or reading new children’s books, watching foreign language films. If you are learning photography, then you can make an effort to get out every day with the camera and practise a new technique of learning.
Practice a teaching methodology
Unless you have gained an expert in a particular topic, you probably don’t get the confidence to teach it to others. But, most of the research shows the fact that explaining a concept to others is the best way of learning.
One study shows the fact when students thought they would have to teach the material to others. They were making learning to someone else. They are not only better at choosing and organising the most important information but, also remember it more accurately later on.
Readout loud
If you want something to retain for a longer duration of time. Then it is a better chance of doing so if you are going to read it out loud. Most of the research shows the fact that the people who read the words quite a loud, their memory of the words was a lot better than when you are going to read it silently.
The research found the fact that when you read something out loud, it becomes more special. Because we end up both reading the words with accuracy and hearing them spoken out loud. But, if you're going to speak at home, or studying in a group.
Then always emphases reading important pieces of information rather than wasting your time and energy on useless information.
Retain the information by writing all the important points.
Although most of the students prefer typing rather than writing by hand. But, the act of putting a pen into the paper is still very important, when you are going to retain any new information to memory.
One of the most important facts in this technique is that writing by hand typically requires more effort and takes longer than typing, which forces the brain to fully engage with the new material and skills. If you want to collect the information for future use, then typing is the best option.
But, if your goal is to fully understand and remember information about what you have written down. Then it is better to use a notebook and pen without taking help from online assignment help.
There are various platforms available nowadays which give you better tips and tricks for memory retention. But, if you have someone like the help with homework you are going to ease your task. Let me know if you want more detail regarding memory retention will help you out better.