Top Expert’s Advice To Avoid Bad Study Method

Are you disappointed with your grades? It is very common in academic life to end up receiving embarrassing grades even after working very hard.

But if you examine closely, it could be a study plan that could be the problem. Yes, in order to do well in your exams, you need to work out a proper strategy for studying and follow it.

Students in college make some mistakes and fall into the wrong habits while studying. These wrong habits need to be changed immediately.  Our homework help team explains more:

  1. Late Night Cramming

It is common these days for students to stay awake for the whole night working on their assignments and revising previous academic tasks.

This habit exacerbates when the exam nears. Our homework help team agrees that one needs to study harder with approaching exams but that does not mean you have to work throughout the night. 

Nightlong cramming sessions will not bear the desired results. At night, the human body is exhausted after the entire day of activities. You may fail to fully grasp concepts and the subject when you study at night.

You may feel that you are well-prepared after the entire night spends studying but you actually are not! Try to be in bed by midnight.

Homework Help Team Recommendation: Wake up early morning and start studying when your body is full of energy and the mind is fresh. Early morning is the best time to study.

  1. Studying Amidst Distractions

The distractions to studies are multiplying with each passing day. Logging on to social networking sites or chatting with friends through instant messaging services while studying is becoming widespread. It is time to change such habits. Nobody on this entire earth is good at multitasking. 

If you study with your smartphone around, you will not be able to focus. As a college student, you are required to study for long intervals without being interrupted. But that is impossible with a smartphone or video game in front of you. Avoid watching TV and listening to music while studying.

Homework Help Team Recommendation: The place you have chosen for study should be calm and peaceful. In college, it could be the library. If you are studying at home, the place should be such that your noisy neighbors should find it difficult to disturb you.

  1. Neglecting Classes

College students also fall into another bad habit of bunking classes. But it is important to attend classes especially for subjects in which you are weak. Professors teach those topics and concepts in classes that have a high probability to be asked in the exam. By bunking classes, you miss out on such important material that can play a big role in your final grades. 

Homework Help Team Recommendation: Do not bunk or attend classes for the sake of attending. Participate and ask questions to the professor. Staying active in class invigorates the brain and you are able to grasp the subject better.


Everybody, including students, tends to procrastinate their work. There comes a time during your study session that you can no longer motivate yourself to continue studying. It is important that you take a break at such times. Studying relentlessly for long periods can also be counter-productive and make the task feel monotonous. 

You need to take breaks if you are looking to make study sessions productive. But that need for a break cannot be a license to start playing computer games. The break is just some time to relax in between study sessions and allow some time for the brain to assimilate the information.

Homework Help Recommendation: Experts believe that a break is needed after every 45 minutes spent studying. However, this break should not be longer than 5-10 minutes. Try to close your eyes and reflect on what you have studied during the last 45 minutes, during this break.

5.Studying Amongst Friends

College students develop this habit of studying with their friends. But such group studies are fruitful only where the students draw motivation to study harder and have the opportunity to share each other’s thoughts. But most of the time it has been observed that such group studies are a waste of time where they play games, chat, and simply enjoy each other’s company instead of doing serious work. 

Any student who has such a habit of studying in groups must analyze whether such sessions are worth it or just a waste of precious time. It should not be used as another opportunity to catch up with friends, especially at a time when exams are approaching. It is better for students to study alone before an important exam.

Homework Help Team Recommends: In case you need any help from your friend, contact him/her personally. Those who are desperate to study in groups would do well to join the various education clubs in their college.  

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