Tips to choose a great dissertation topic

You might find it difficult to choose a topic for your dissertation (or final year research project). Because your dissertation will account for a large number of credits on an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, it is important to choose wisely.

You are probably looking to narrow down your ideas to form a single subject or you might just be planning ahead for a future academic program. Regardless of where you are in your academic journey, find top tips by our dissertation writing services team to find the right topic for you:

Select a topic that interests you

A dissertation or research will take many weeks or probably months to complete.  Hence, it is imperative that you choose a topic that is interesting. Maybe you find a topic that is related to your career, or you may derive inspiration from a subject in another module of your course. Our dissertation writing services team feels that it is easier to remain motivated during the entire process if you are passionate about the subject area.

Choosing a topic that will benefit you during your future career is also what our dissertation writing services team would surely suggest. It will bolster your understanding in your preferred subject area and give you that additional strength when it comes to writing a job application in the future.

Choose something different, off-beat

Our dissertation writing services team believes that it is important to choose a topic that is unique, allowing you the opportunity to conduct your own research and arrive at your own conclusions. It can be difficult at times to find a unique area for research, but you can possibly look at the same topic from a different perspective. You could work out a unique area from a smaller topic that has not yet been flooded with research.

Don’t make it too broad

According to our dissertation writing services team, a dissertation has to be a compactly-written academic compilation of information. Every sentence must have a role to play in the research or argument and the piece as a whole must follow a certain pattern. Choosing a topic that is very broad will make it difficult for you to discuss and analyze it threadbare in the permitted word-count while also making it difficult to draw conclusions.

Neither choose a topic too narrow

Though your teacher would advise you to be concise, it is still important to make up the requisite word-count. A sharp focus on a topic or question that is too small or narrow means you would have no scope to expand your arguments and draw credible conclusions. Same holds good when you start writing your proposal, don’t choose a question that can be answered in a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.


Spend some time researching on the topic to ensure that you are making the right selection. Researching the topic will help you find out whether there is enough material already available on it to allow you to expand on your thoughts and to support (or contradict) your stand.

Be dispassionate

It very often happens, says our dissertation writing services team, that the student falls in love with the subject and becomes blind to even its most blatant weaknesses.  Take a realistic view of the prospects your idea holds and how much scope it has of becoming successful. For a few moments step back from the topic and look at it from an outsider’s angle to ensure that you are not clinging to a weak idea. So long as you have planned your schedule properly, you should still have sufficient time to think of a new topic and start work on it.

Seek advice

According to our dissertation writing services team, your teacher is going to mentor and guide you in your entire process of writing the dissertation. It is he/she who is going to solve all your questions, doesn’t matter how big or small they may be.

Once you have an idea or topic for your dissertation and after you have done some cursory research, spend some time with your teacher seeking his advice. Your teacher has over so many years guided other students on topics of their choice, so he/she would always have some great recommendations for you.

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