This is why you are getting less scores in your English paper

English is known as the universal language of conversation. Most of the countries have adopted English as their second language. Students in some countries find it easy to learn English language while students in some other countries find it difficult to learn English language.

When we take Indians into consideration, English language is fully new to them as it does not share the semantics or syntaxes with Hindi or Sanskrit. Due to this reason, Indian students find learning English hard in the beginning.

But with consistent reading, writing and practicing students have been able to learn the English language. Yet whether it's Indian students or any other countries, even American students find it hard to score full in their English language subject.

In this article we will discuss the reasons why students find it hard to score good marks and grades in English language even though students tend to speak and practice it on a daily basis.


Over confident

One of the main reasons behind students getting less marks or grades in their English Paper is because of over confidence. Many students more than often take English language as a piece of cake, very easy and light.

Because of this students do not spend as much energy and effort on their English subject as they do in some other subject like Math or science or even drawing.

It is good to have confidence but overconfidence has the ability to push the person down even from the top of the hill. Students need to let go of the mentality that “it’s just English” and need to start giving the subject equal attention and efforts.

Lack of understanding

Like we discussed above, most of the countries have included teaching language in their educational section or syllabus.

While for students of some countries comprehending English language is easy, for some students of some less advanced countries or students who speak languages that have totally different semantics and syntaxes than English tends to face difficulties in learning and understanding the subject.

Because many students do not even begin to understand or read in English language, the degradation in marks and graces is natural.

What students need to do is pay attention in class. Teachers need to make sure that their students are understanding what is being taught in class. In case any student feels lost or can’t seem to understand, the student must consult the teacher right in the class.

Piled up doubts

Whether we are talking about junior school students or college students. The main reason behind less marks in their English paper is lack of clarity.

 What students do is, they pile up their doubts class after class, instead of talking to teachers or even their friends and family members who can actually help them out.

Because of this piling up issue, the class keeps on moving ahead, while the student gets stuck up on his or her previous doubts.

Students need to let go of this harmful habit and instill enough confidence in oneself to consult their teachers, if not, then at the least they should talk to their friends or family members and clear their doubts before the next class even begins.


When it comes to the English subject or any language-oriented subject like French or Hindi, students often take it very casually. Most students  hardly pay any attention in class as well as fail to put the required efforts and hard work into practicing the subject.

Like, we discussed that most students that belong to the country where English is a whole new language, the common language that the students converse at home and anywhere basically is their regional language.

What students need to do is practice the subject in both written and spoken form. For this, students among themselves should make a rule of conversing in English only. And also, should invest significant time in practicing the written form, may it be, essay writing, letter writing, report writing, etc.

Online help

Many students feel awkward or anxious in class, due to which they do not consult their teachers regarding doubts. What these students can do is get some online help.

By online help, we mean that, internet is full of resources that fit the comfort of the students. Students can either get an online tutor that will address the student and his or her problems individually.

Or in case students have some doubts or problems related to the grammar section or spoken section of the English language. Students can easily get enough resources online.

Students can get YouTube videos or videos streaming on other websites that clearly explains each concept in detail.

On many sites there are PowerPoint slides available also, which explains every concept in a pint wise manner. Students can refer to them as well to get some clarity on any concept or topic they have doubts on.

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