In this pandemic how student’s mental health is affected and how we overcome it

The pandemic sent a shockwave across the world, the ripples are still being felt today. It has kicked the world into a miserable state – Socially, economically, and above them all psychologically. The pace of humankind’s advancement almost came to a standstill and now the progression rate has hit a minimal speed.

The peace and tranquility of the common man’s mind have been severely affected. It cannot be concluded which age group or class of people is affected the most mentally, as there is no unit yet discovered to measure the mental stress on any living being. It is something that every mind perceives differently, based on their past experiences and new ones.

This article is dedicated to students, their helplessness towards the ongoing situation is alarming and chaotic. Students across the globe have gone through something they never expected. Questions that cannot exist without their answers are synonymous with problems that cannot exist without solutions.

 A student be it a school’s, college’s, university’s, or as senior as a Ph. D aspirant have something in common. They are all learners. AS they are living through their early years, they are oblivious to much of life’s experiences. Couples this with the pandemic, their sanity and patience are being tested to a greater extent. As the lockdown persists, their educational institutions are still shut down or partially operational.

The shutdown of Educational institutions

Man is a social animal, no matter how introvert an individual may be, they would find it to be a difficult survival without the presence of other personnel around them. Educational institutions are not only a place to disperse education but a means to socialize for the younger student generation.

They learn about the various aspects of life and make some memories those are bound to last in their mind as they get older. But, in the lockdown, these memories failed to occur in the first place, leaving students with a blank academic duration.

This has landed many students in a sad state. Especially college students and final year students have suffered a lot. Students were also forced to attain virtual graduation ceremonies which is one of the very essential moments of their academic lives.

Virtual classrooms

The concept of the virtual classroom was previously prevalent even before the pandemic but, the dependency towards the same was limited. It has more drawbacks than it has benefits. Virtual classrooms fail to provide the human to human interaction and limits discussion abilities.

Such discussions allow the students to portray and excel in their imagination which is now hampered by the idea of the virtual classroom. The understanding of concepts is also adversely affected as concentrating in front of the screen is a difficult task.

The strain on the eyes cannot be neglected either. The number of students who are unable to acquire technologies essential to attend virtual lectures due to financial distress has been driven to depression and the situation is worsening.


Several examinations have been canceled, conducted online, or have been postponed. The students who have been preparing for the examinations honestly and dedicatedly have suffered the most. The online examination has numerous loopholes, they lack monitoring over the ways in which a student may cheat.

This has resulted in meaningless examination terminology and eventually meaningless pass outs. In turn as a countermeasure, strict viva are being implemented which further deteriorate the student's state of mind.

The above-discussed scenarios are in general a common cause and effect situation faced by the students to each their own. Mounting stress is imminent and leads to a frustrated state of mind which disrupts peace of mind. If not managed or handled carefully, might result in poor mental health.

As this is a sensitive issue, all possible ways to avert the ill effects are a must. Certain advisories have been established further ahead especially for students to cope up with the rising stress levels.


Music, some majestic invention of this human race has a magical impact on our neurons. It acquires the attention of our mind and syncs with the flow of our thoughts or vice versa. It releases some stress releasing hormones that help to relax. Listening to calm music will lower your impatience. Try Pink Floyd tracks.


Though in the pandemic, group activities like sports are restricted, there is still a chance to improvise your health condition to a better state. Engage in solo exercises like weight training, jogging, yoga, etc. This will definitely help to improve mental health and release stress. Also, stay consistent in workouts, track your progress, and admire your improvisation in your performance.

Academic help

Though the pandemic prevails, the educational system in most of the parts of the world is ignorant towards the student’s mental wellbeing. The students are assigned tedious academic work in order to keep their minds occupied. It is considered that a student should get some external help in order to cope with their academic stress.

For instance, if a student is required to create or work within the research papers field, various paper writing services provide assistance. Or another example, a school student can also ask for help with homework from their parents or colleagues.


Conduct research into understanding the various forms of meditation, figure out which suits you the most, and start practicing as a beginner. Even thirty minutes of meditation will empower your mind to tackle the stress-causing situations not only caused by the pandemic but that may arise from anything in the near future.

Calm music that soothes your mind, an exercise that suits your body’s abilities, academic help may it be as simple as help in homework or as complex as hiring any paper writing services, interacting with family, meditation practice will help you develop a powerful and steady mind no matter how difficult a situation may arise. Your tranquil mind will help you get through these tough times now and also in the future.

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