How to write a quality introduction?

Every text, essay, research paper, thesis, dissertation starts with an introduction. It is the very first thing that the readers read, so you want to make sure that you make the best of first impressions, because as we know, first impressions last. Introduction is one of the most essential, vital, important components of an essay.

Before we dive into how to write it, let us discuss a few important qualities of a good introduction. A good introduction gives the reader a broad overview of everything that is going to be discussed in the essay. It tries to create such an impression that makes the reader want to learn more about the topic. Here are some tips to write a quality introduction:

  1. Begin Broad but Not too Broad:

Introductions should begin with a broad explanation of the subject and should narrow it down to the topics which are going to be discussed in the essay. After having been told to begin broad, many students try to talk about anything and everything that has ever been written or researched on the topic. This tends to confuse the readers.

  1. Discuss Relevant Background:

The most common mistake that students do while discussing the subject is that they start discussing the main content of the essay. Give some background on the subject but leave the essence of the essay for the main paragraphs. What you can do is hint the reader to what will be discussed in the essay, so that they have a sense of what they can expect from it.

  1. Write a Thesis Statement:

A thesis statement is essentially a one line title of the discussion. It should be given at the end of the introduction. A thesis statement gives the reader an overall idea of what the essay is going to be about, what argument you are going to make in it.

  1. Provide Only Relevant Information:

There is so much information available on every subject and this is most probably true for the subject you will be choosing. So, we must very carefully gauge the information which we provide to the readers, keeping in mind whether or not it is relevant to our argument. We can use statistics, definitions, facts, anecdotes which are really very interesting ways of opening, but we should always make sure that they are relevant.

  1. Try to Avoid Clichés:

The reason we should try and avoid clichés are they are so overdone, hence the name, cliché. Sometimes, they can work and they might be able to pack a punch but the probability of them boring your reader is more.

One such example of a cliché is starting an essay with a proverb, saying or a quotation. It is so overused and overdone that it sometimes bores the reader and makes him lose interest. Let’s try and think of a more creative way to interest you readers.

  1. Don’t Pressurize Yourself While Writing an Introduction:

The easiest way to avoid unnecessarily putting pressure on yourself is to write the introduction after finishing your essay. What this does is, it gives you an idea of what your essay comprises and this in turn allows you to write your introduction more freely.

  1. Convincing your reader that your Essay is Worth Reading:

Introduction should be able to invite your customer to read the whole text. Just like a hotel or a villa, which should be made in such a way that they invite the customer to stay, the introduction does the same task for an essay. It acts as bait for a fish, not to entrap but to convince them that your essay will provide them with worthy information.

The main purpose of the introduction is to attract the readers, pull them in and let them know that something interesting is about to follow. One good way to do this is by using a topic which may be controversial or something the readers might not agree with. This will make them want to read the whole article, to understand your perspective and also will make them feel more engaged.

Basically, a quality introduction gives an overview of what it discussed in the essay. At the same time, it tries to make the topic interesting and by doing so it tries to lure the readers interest in it.

Essay writing services begin with giving you various examples of good introductions, thereby enabling you to learn from them. The next step is giving you many numbers of exercises, which you can practice and submit them to us. We will provide you with feedback on each of them and make you aware of the areas where you need to improve, thus allowing you to grow.

Each exercise has a clear aim, any one of the seven tips discussed above, but it will have a definite purpose. And there will be many exercises on each section so that you can get better slowly, gradually but definitely with every exercise.

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