Choosing a Dissertation topic

We all have had to write a dissertation at least once during our academics, either while pursuing graduation, post-graduation or during our quest of getting a PhD Dissertation is basically an assemblage of your ideas, findings from different types of analysis, assumptions, interpretations, analysis, etc. It is an art, but a different kind of art, wherein you are supposed to follow some guidelines, usually art comes without any guidelines but here there are some standard one which make your dissertation simple yet classic. Thus, it is in your benefit to follow these guidelines.

Like any art, dissertation takes time and practice to master, it is not easy from the word go, however with persistence you can become a master at it. But there is a step which you must first take in order to write the dissertation and it is every bit as hard as writing the dissertation itself, if not harder. The step is choosing a topic for the dissertation.

There are so many subjects which you talk about, and there are tons and tons of data available on each subject. Choosing one area of interest from this vast pool of information is not easy. So, there must be something that helps us in this task. We are here to tell you that there are a few basic simple steps, that you can follow to land with a perfect topic for your work.

Step 1 - Brainstorm your Ideas:

These are very initial stages of your project, the final work is way too ahead in the future and at this point, what you can do to improve the quality of your work is to talk about it with experienced people in the field. Brainstorming ideas with them will in turn will enlighten you about different topics and help you narrow down to a few which interests you.

Step 2 - Read the Current Affairs:

What can add onus to your dissertation is choosing a trending or current topic, or using a new finding in the topic which you have chosen. Thus, keeping yourself updated with the current affairs can always boost your project. Also, this practice might give you new ideas which are completely unique for your topic.

Step 3 - Pen Down all the Ideas:

You must have gotten a whole lot of topic ideas in your mind after following steps 1 and 2, it is now the time to pen all of these ideas down no matter how small any of them seem, before you forget them. Sometimes, if you do remember the topic but you are unable to recall the reason behind choosing it, thus while writing it down on a book, you should also write the reason in one line.

Step 4 - Learn about the Listed Topics:

In the first step, you have listened to the experts and in the second one, you have listed down the topics which are trending in the moment, now is the time to do some of your own research on all the topics which you have penned down. You should make sure that you do not dive in too deep for this research is only to select a topic and not to write the dissertation. With the help of this research, narrow down the number of topics to 3 or 4.

Step 5 - Conduct a Preliminary Research on all the chosen topics:

In this step and in the 2 steps that follow, you need to dive in a little bit further in the research of the chosen few topics, but you need to make sure that the number of such topics is limited, countable only on one hand. This is because if you choose a lot of topics for this stage and the following ones, you will have to devote a considerable amount of time to each one of them and in the end, you are going to select only one. Thus, the research done on the rest of them, though might end up being useful in your life, it won’t add any value to your dissertation, which is the primary goal here.

Step 6 - List Down the Keywords:

In this stage, you should try and list down all the important keywords for the topics chosen. The purpose of this step is to give some insight on the sub-topics which you need to cover in order for your dissertation to feel complete, thus giving you some idea of the length of the dissertation for a particular topic.

Step 7 - Rate the topics on their Uniqueness:

What can add onus to your dissertation is choosing a trending or current topic, or using a new finding in the topic which you have chosen. Thus, keeping yourself updated with the current affairs can always boost your project. Also, this practice might give you new ideas which are completely unique for your topic.

Step 8 – Finalize Your Topic:

Now, after having gauged all the chosen topics based on keywords, research, your interest and their uniqueness, you can make the final selection. The topic which scores the most, wins.

If you require more help, more practice, you can contact us. Our dissertation writing services provide you with the complete package which oversees your journey from beginning to becoming the master at writing dissertations.

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