10 tips that can help you improve your Assignment

You are disappointed with your previous assignment’s grade and still wondering where it all went wrong. Well, what if we told you that you are not alone?

There are many students like you who do not know the art of writing an assignment properly, simply because it is not a skill you are born with, it is a skill that you develop with practice.

Survey reports reveal the fact that students tend to do similar kinds of mistakes when it comes to trying to find the answers to hypothetical questions. To avoid this, you should know the correct ways to improve the quality of your assignment.

  1. Make Sure you Have all the Essentials:

Assignment work is all about expressing or delivering your thoughts and ideas in a written manner, i.e., a verbose format.

And to express the ideas successfully, you need to have the right skills at your disposal, the right weapons in your arsenal. You need to pay great deal of attention to the practicalities of finding relevant material, researching information, and analyzing in order to extract what is significant to your purpose.

  1. Read with a Goal to Understand:

The alternative to reading has never been discovered, and many believe it will never be replaced. So, whatever your area of study is, you need to do a lot of reading while trying to prepare for an assignment.

You don’t have to read through the complete book, but extract the necessary information from it, which you require to write your assignment.

To get the right material, you can make temporary notes while reading. This has proven to be the most effective form of studying because you can rewrite those notes while framing the bibliography section.

  1. Use Library as a Source:

Wanting to improve your assignment quality and doing something about it are two different ideologies. To improve your assignment, you need to read supplementary material apart from your reading list.

You can take the help of books, research papers, journals, and other articles from the library. The library should ideally have—

  • Silent study area

  • Group work areas so that you can have discussions

  • Photocopy machines and printers

  • Computer facilities along with internet connection

  • Online catalog login credentials

  • Expert support staff

  1. Create Notes from Later References:

While trying to make notes, you must do the following

  • Frame an outline of the subject

  • Analyze the problem

  • Try to look for the logic of the argument

  • Compare different perspectives

  • Use quotes

  • Record the full details of the source, authors’ name and surname, title in its entirety with chapter and pages, date of publication and publisher, and place of publication

  1. Think Critically:

To develop skills that are essential to assignment writing, critical thinking tops on the list. Many Specialists believe that critical thinking can only be acquired through practice. Benjamin Bloom, a famous educational psychologist, has stated six steps to learning and thinking which are —

  • Knowledge

  • Comprehend

  • Application

  • Analysis

  • Synthesis

  • Evaluation

  1. Master the Structure:

Whatever the type of assignment you are working on, you have to construct the writing on the basis of a standard format. A standard format is—

  • Introduction

  • Explanation (the main body)

  • Conclusion

  1. Create an Outline:

Once you have collected your material, you need to think about how you are going to try to respond to the writing task. The answer is, to make an outline of your work, Outlining involves —

  • Keyword identification

  • Adoption of a structural approach

  • Expansion of what you have planned already

  1. Adopt Appropriate Language:

You need to follow a formal, academic style in your assignment. Here are some tips to up the quality of your writing in this regard —

  • Keep the usage of personal pronouns (I/me/one) to a bare minimum

  • Use appropriate tense and maintain it throughout

  • Use plain English

  • Use proper vocabulary and think critically before making the choice of words

  1. Create Effective Sentences and Paragraphs:

You have to try to keep in mind that academic writing does not mean formulating long sentences with impressive-sounding ‘big’ words.

Usually, short sentences, which are easier to understand, make more impact than longer ones because they are brief and simple. So, always try to express your thoughts and ideas in smaller and short sentences.

  1. Improve Your Grammar:

You need to get your grammar right as it is an integral and ‘expected part’ of not only the academic writing but also of the language. Without grammar, your sentence won’t make any sense.

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