10 Craze Out of The Box Yet Simple Methods To become a class topper

Being a class topper is something not everyone aspires, it is a nerdy thing they say. But, are all class toppers nerdy or geeky?  These are just synonyms for brilliance. If Einstein wouldn’t have been a geek, we wouldn’t have known the energy and mass equivalence, some wisdom even for the Gods doesn’t know if they exist.

Honestly, it won’t matter if you are a class topper or not but, I myself have never been one. Yet, after almost having completed my education I can pinpoint a few ways to become one, learning from my experiences. I believe it can be a pristine feeling to become a topper. 

Now first of all let us discuss who tends to be the toppers? Are they born brilliant or do they acquire superpowers later on? All hyperbole. They are just humans like you and me. A topper can be in any field not only it is pertained to academics but in general any field. Here let us limit the conversation to academics.  Following are the ways I believe shall lead you to become a class topper.

The first and foremost

Having faith in yourself. Our mind is bound to bank towards negativity. We constantly think about self-diminishing thoughts about ourselves. We question our existence and the blame game is never-ending. This is a thought process new to none. Even the best among us goes through such turmoil.

Our body is what our mind feeds it. It is a blissful connection between our mind and matter. Both affect each other in ways not known to us. The more negatively you take yourself, the more you get hurt and your body behaves accordingly. Train your mind to see the good in every situation, maintain an optimistic attitude and never underestimate yourself. The second part is to generate curiosity. What makes a topper a topper isn’t just his or her brilliance but curiosity towards academics. This world is a complex soup of uncountable and unimaginable concepts.

Academics are a way to understand the workings of this place, to understand the existence. No matter what are the contents of the academic index, have an outlook towards understanding the concepts and just not for being a topper’s sake. Develop certain ways or find new perceptions for the contents that make you feel bored and try out fun ways to understand them.

The third is the discussion part, carry out or initiate discussions about the contents of your syllabus. State your views and ideas about the same. Listen to their opinions. Find out how they affect human life. Fourth is the ability to sane with academics. Question everything how? Why? What? Or when? When in a lecture or in any practical or any ongoing conference make sure you let your creativity flow and question the concepts being taught.

No matter how complex or how silly your question may be, it has arisen from your neurons, make sure you respect them and execute your vocal cords to ask. This will help you to clear all the clouding doubts in your mind. The fifth is time management. Need not discuss the importance of time as we all are aware of it but still, we tend to ignore it.

True your time is for yourself, feel free to utilize it your way, prioritizing too much only to a specific thing is injustice, however, the mind’s mastery over every task you encounter and the way you interact with it shall make you learn to manage time effectively and swiftly. And if you surely understand the value of your time, you shall not ignore the ignorance towards the things that define your performance and your abilities.

The sixth is practice. Consistency is more important for developing speed and accuracy. Even the fewest possible time is given to a particular subject but, staying in touch with the subject consistently will make your mind aware of the dynamics. Being aware of the syllabus at least makes half your work done.  Practice makes a man perfect. The seventh is ‘Focus’. Out of focus is out of hope. Losing focus has always led to disasters it is a known fact.

Now how to stay focused? There are numerous things out there seeking your attention. Waiting for you to get distracted. Having an incorruptible determination is a must. IT portrays how tough you are and immune to the bullshit that thinks it can distract you to be it any bad habit or bad company or a bad fortune. Stay tough. The eighth is competitiveness. Not with others but with yourself.

Knowing your performances, keeping in mind your previous performances, and tracking your progress will help you develop a better progression strategy. Channelize your flow in a better way every consistent time. The ninth is meditation. Even 10 minutes of calmly sitting isolated and closing your eyes, no religious intervention essential, just observe your sensations.

This calms the cyclone of thoughts in your mind. This will not fail to yield a positive result if practiced in regularity. The tenth and the most important- Having fun. Having fun along the way is very crucial. If you miss on it, you will land yourself in a stressed out and frustrated state of mind. Stressbusters are essential. Find the ones that suit you and not affect your health. Rejuvenate your mood and keep your fatigue-free.

The above ideology is very much understood at our firm. We establish a particular set of plans to help you out in your academics and excel. Help in homework understands your needs and our experts are keen to help you out. Our main goal is to reach out to a maximum number of needful students and provide our services. You can reach out to our website by simply looking up Help in homework.

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