How to write a counter argument in few simple steps

The arguments or different reasoning that you make while writing your assignments or thesis is called counter argument. They provide an opposing view to your matter and this provides you with some valuable thesis writing help or assignment help as you present the reader with different perspective or opinions for the topic that you are talking about in your thesis or assignment. This makes your argument stronger.

 Writing a counter argument in your essay makes the person who is reading your assignment or article understand that you are aware of the other perspective or other sides of the argument also. Including counter argument will provide you some assignment help or thesis writing help as it will enhance the quality of your essay and your thesis and will make a greater impact as the person who is reading it will already get the answers of the questions that may arise in their mind. 

 Steps to write a good counter argument

 Following are the points that will help you write a good counter argument for your assignment:-

1. Write a fairly elaborate counter argument

A very common mistake that most of the people tend to make is that they write their counter argument in just a line or a sentence. the reason to write a counter argument is to give the reader a sense that you have considered all the points or perspectives of the topic and giving a thorough detail of why have you placed your counter argument on the position that you have placed it will definitely give you some assignment help or thesis writing help.

2. No biasness while writing the counter argument

Make sure that you present your counter argument without being biased because the main reason of writing a counter argument is providing a different perspective to your thinking of the topic and if you are being biased while writing counter argument then it would be of no use. While writing a counter argument take into consideration that will the person who is at the position of the counter statement accept the statement that you have given or not. This will be beneficial in providing you some assignment help and thesis will come out better than before.


3. Be respectful while addressing the person who holds that position

One should always be respectful while stating any counter argument because even if you think that the person who holds that position is wrong or has a faulty view then also you have to be respectful while stating your counter argument on their behalf. This would provide you a very good thesis writing help or assignment help as the person who actually holds that position won't get offended when you have already considered that scenario and written your argument. Try to use ironies or satire or even sarcasm in your counter argument so that you can also state your view of that position holder without sounding offending or hurting their sentiments.

4. You can mention the counter statement as based on faulty assumptions

If you want to rebut your counter statement then you can easily term as it to be based on faulty assumptions. If the facts are incorrect in some cases then you can mention them with no doubt and if the values that are attached with that opinion is wrong then there is no harm to point out that also and in some cases the analysis done by the position holder can also be wrong and all of these cases can be mentioned by you easily, Sometimes the facts could be true but irrelevant to the present scenario or they might not be relating to the given article at all. Stating these reasons will not only help you in making your argument stronger but would also provide you with some thesis writing help or assignment help that you could use in future also.


5. Be selective of which counter statement do you want to use

While writing an essay sometimes you come up with some good counter arguments that are totally relatable to the context also but the question arises that should you use that counter argument at that place or not. Some counter arguments are better than the others and then you have to make the decision by your intellect only that whether you want to use that counter argument or not. You can take assignment help or thesis writing help by asking others to proofread your thesis one time so that you will get to know about more opinions and then you will be able to filter your content in a better way.

6. Placement of your counter argument

A proper placement of your counter argument can provide you a lot of assignment help or thesis writing help as a proper placement of a counter argument  determines how effective your essay or thesis is going to be. Listed below are the places where you should or shouldn’t place your counter arguments.
  • Introduction

If counter arguments are placed in the introduction they will provide a very good assignment help or thesis writing help to you. And if you are taking a popular public opinion as a counter argument then it will be very beneficial in grabbing attention of the reader on your assignment or your thesis.
  • Before the conclusion

It is the most common place that people put the counter arguments in. This will also provide you some assignment help or thesis writing help as first you will get to write the content in support of your article without thinking of a counter argument. First people write down all the main points and all the things that they want to put in the support of their article and then just before the conclusion they give all the counter arguments that they think would come up in the mind of the readers.
  • Conclusion

it is it is advisable to not write your counter arguments in the conclusion because the conclusions are generally the summary of your whole article or your whole thesis and if you are going to write your counter argument in the conclusion then you would also have to write an answer in the support of your article for that counter argument. Your conclusion would thus become too large and it would lose the true sense of being a conclusion of the thesis.

  • In the middle of your thesis

It is the worst place that one can put their counter arguments in. if you are going to put your counter arguments in the middle of a thesis it is not going to provide you any kind of thesis writing help or assignment help. It will make absolutely make no sense if you are writing two statements in your favor then writing a counter statement then again writing three statements in your favor and then again writing a counter argument.

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