Expert’s approach on curating debate for debate competitions

Debate writing is basically giving our opinions and counter opinions

Debate writing is part of the academic course since junior school for the students.

In most institutions debate writing is a pressing topic when teaching English or any other language, as debate writing helps students in improving their hold speech of the language as well helps them improve their writing and listening skills.

In this article, we will explore the expert’s approach to curating impressive debate writing that can help students to win debate competitions or improve their marks in academic sessions.


The very first step that most students often skip while preparing for debate competitions or simply for assignment submission or examination, is reading.

The best way to prepare for anything is to be very well aware of it.

Students when participating in competitions are mostly given the topics for the competition. Best assignment help can be read your projects carefully.

Before students sit and begun writing for or collecting information, they should read about the topic.

Students can either read articles on the given topic or they can simply read various debate arguments on the topic.

Reading will boost their confidence and will provide clarity on the topic. while reading students will be even to decide whether they want to write and speak in favor of the topic or against the topic.

Reading will also help them frame sentences properly and even give them an insight into what they should speak or write.

Collecting information

Information or the content of the debate competition is very crucial.

Debate writing is very different from essay writing or article writing.

In debate opinions are delivered in favor or against the motion, to participate in debate competitions is to present arguments and counter-arguments.

Students need to be very well aware of the topic of the debate only then they stand a chance to win the competition.

Students mostly collect information from the web, and that too without much effort, students have a habit of clicking on the very first link that comes up on the web and collects information from there.

Students need to understand that there are more reliable ways to collect information.

Here’s a tip for students to make their debate qualitatively strong: newspapers and journal studying. There are lots of debate homework help tactics you can use to influence your debate preparations.

More than often the topics for debate writing are social, economic, or controversial.

The best source to collect information is from newspapers and economic or technical magazine.

Students should anyway have a habit of reading newspapers and be up to date with the knowledge, even if a student is not very updated about current scenarios persisting in the country when preparing for debate competition they should gather as many newspapers as they can to collect information and read those papers.

Students can get newspapers from school or institutional libraries, and students can read through them to find necessary information relating to the topic.

Being attentive

Debate writing or speaking is all about being attentive.

We already discussed that students need to be well aware of the topic of the debate, why> we come to that in a while.

Students also need to be attentive during the competition, debate competitions are all about improvs, students should listen to the arguments presented by the opponent so that when their turn comes to speak they can put across the counter-arguments.

The format of debate competitions held in school and college might be different than debates held in actual real-life situations.

At school level competitions students are often asked to present their side of the debate after another student is done with it.

In such scenarios, if students focus on the opponent’s arguments and are smart enough to add improvs into their preparation then the student can benefit a lot.

Consult teachers and elders

Debate writing can be tough for students who do not have much general knowledge about things, and often students find it shameful or anxious to consult their elders or teachers.

Students should remember that teachers are present to help them out, and no one is going to judge them for not knowing something.

Students should have enough confidence to consult teachers and ask them, about, from where they can find information, many a times teachers have specific books or magazines that students can refer to while preparing for debate competitions.

Even when students have prepared for their debate they can talk to the teachers and make them listen or proofread the debate to make sure that the arguments you have included are legit or not and does they have any human or grammatical error.

Students should always consult or take help from an elder while preparing for debate competitions as debate writing involves a lot of information collection a help from an elder might lessen the load of the students and can even save student’s time.

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